See I'm right, aren't I???
It has been a fairly good time so far in our household. I will say little Z has been struggling. If any of you care to, we would appreciate prayers that her adjustment period would go quickly and that we would have the love and patience parenting her that she needs. Meridian is a very sweet, easy going baby. Many have told me, that is just how all newborn babies are. However, we really prayed over my whole pregnancy that the new baby would be an easy adjustment and be an easy baby. So...we are choosing to believe that this is how God created her, just for our family! :)
As soon as I am feeling better physically (which really hasn't been too awful by the way), we will be in contact with our social worker to finish the updating and to get our home study out there. We still haven't heard back from the last of those applications, but I know that will come in His time.
Two quick things that we feel the Lord is leading us to ask you to pray about. With the addition of Meridian and the adoption, we are going to need a stroller. If any of you know us, you know we LOVE to walk! Seriously, I walked with Zoelle any day that I could in pretty much any weather. Being that we will have 3, we are going to need a triple stroller...which can be very expensive. Here is the one we have looked into getting: Yep expensive, but it's the only stroller that will fit 3 toddlers (because our children will grow up sadly) comfortably. Could you be in prayer that we could find a great deal on this??? Secondly, we need a bigger vehicle. Our little car has been an amazing car, but it will not fit 3 car seats into it, plus any luggage if we travel. We are looking into getting a van, and aren't picky. We just are asking God to bless us with a great vehicle at an amazing price! He can do all things!! Thanks for praying. I look forward to updating with God's awesome provision to us.
Who can resist one more pic, because after all...aren't they adorable?!?