Monday, August 30, 2010

Appointment Update

We are back home! After a weekend away from home, it's good to be home. On Friday was our appointment for Xiomara. It went well. I (Vanessa) took her in while Chris stayed with the other girls. I wish Chris could have been there too as I think it's good to get a "feel" for the doctor from both of us, but for this trip, it wasn't a possibility. I did like him though. He was quick, straight forward, and is allowing me, as her parent to have a voice.

We have two deicisions to make regarding surgery. The first decision is in regards to when we will do surgery. From my understanding, most of the time doctors like to have infants be 6 months old when they have the surgery done. For Xiomara, it would be closer to 7 months as that is her adjusted age (being she was 5 weeks early). If we waited that long, it would be just an outpatient same-day surgery. However, waiting that long brings a risk to her ovary getting damaged as she grows. So the other option is to do it as soon as possible and have her spend the night in the hospital for observation afterwards. Of course, the risk there is in her being so small and being put under.

The second decision we have to make is whether or not to have him open up both sides of her groin to check for a hernia on the left side as well as the visible hernia on the right side. Sometimes, a second hernia is there, but does not show for months or years. This would avoid the trouble of her having surgery once again at a later date. However, there is the chance that it is uneccessary as she may not have a hernia at all on that side.

So, we have some decisions to make and we'd appreciate prayers. I've had some wonderful friends in the medical field to talk with this week who have given me advice I greatly appreciate. I'll be doing my research as well, like I always do, along with praying. Hopefully, we will have an answer soon.


  1. Praying that God will give you and the doctors wisdom and peace in your decision.


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